Maker Faire San Diego went great! I had too much chocolate, which was the goal (much better than running out). I kept busy almost the entire weekend, with only a few short breaks. It was so much fun promoting making, and spreading the spirit of kintsugi. While I plan not to present next year (I'd like to see the rest of the Faire) I learned that I really love advocating for making, and I'd like to do more.

Many people were interested in doing chocolate kintsugi themselves. I have instructions posted on this page, but I should create more visual explanations.

I believe in always striving to improve. In a way, I see myself as a continual kintsugi project, always trying to find my own weaknesses and strengthen them. In that spirit, here are some improvements and changes I could make if I did this again. 

  • Have examples of real kintsugi to show. Many people asked to see actual kintsugi, and I didn't have any.
  • Recruit some helpers! I enjoyed talking to people, but I spent two full days without any breaks. I didn't get to see any of the other exhibits, which was a bit disappointing.
  • Get permission to distribute food, and then get funding, so it isn't all out of pocket.

P.S. This was posted over a year after Maker Faire. Oops. Better late than never!
